







Life Groups(生命小組)

以馬內利致力於在我們日常生活中彰顯福音的大能,轉化我們所在的社區,並向所有人傳揚這福音的好消息。作為富有創新和委身精神的基督徒,我們每天都在努力「消除」這個城市中的屬靈乾渴,恢復這地上許多人的心靈。Immanuel is dedicated to revealing the Gospel in our daily lives, transforming our communities, and preaching the good news to all people. As creative and committed Christians, we work daily to quench the spiritual drought in our cityscapes and restore the hearts of many around the world.


以馬內利Life Groups是一群積極主動、外向的基督徒,他們的青春和熱情都投入在榮耀神的名上。Immanuel Life Group is a group of proactive, outreaching Christians, whose youth and passion are spent on bringing glory to God’s name.


你將與我們小組的成員一起深入認識「活水」般的神的話語。我們誠摯地祈求生命小組能在屬靈上堅固你,並在你奔走這信仰之旅時,你將會在聖靈和真理中得到造就。You are about to dive into the deep Word of God with our local Life Groups’ members. We sincerely pray that Life Groups will strengthen you spiritually and that you will be fully equipped in spirit and truth while you walk on this faith journey.


崇拜聚會 Worship Services

對神的百姓的認識,第一個必然是跟崇拜聚會聯繫起來。基督徒是向神獻上崇拜的群體。崇拜的意義不能簡單地定義。保羅認為,崇拜不僅在特定的日子、在某個的時空當中,而且在整個生命的過程中,作為「屬靈的敬拜」將「自己的身體獻上,做為聖潔、蒙神喜悅的活祭」。The true identity of people of God is firstly related to service. Christians are those who offer services to God. The meaning of service cannot be defined simply. According to Paul, the service is not only offered in a limited time and space on a special day but in a whole life process offering “the bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God” as “spiritual act of worship.”


以馬內利教會在每週日和週三都有恆常的崇拜聚會,好讓兄姊能夠把「崇拜」延伸至實際的生活,成為蒙神喜悅的祭祀獻上給神。從在這方面,參加恆常聚會仍然是基督徒生活中不可或缺的元素,在神和群體當中得著更新和交通。Immanuel holds regular services on Sunday and Wednesday which becomes the platform for Christians to extend it to the actual lives as a pleasing sacrifice to God. In this aspect, physical participation in church services is still an uncompromising element of the Christian life to be renewed and communicated both in God and congregation.


通過崇拜,我們與神的聯繫得以加強,並與基督裡的兄弟姐妹建立了新的關係。崇拜在這「垂直」和「水平」的關係中保護和維持我們的生活。我們認為全心全意為主獻上崇拜是教會最重要的角色。Through service our connection with God is strengthened and a new relationship with brothers and sisters in Christ is formed. Service protects and sustains our lives in both vertical and horizontal relationships. We considers the offering of service to the Lord with full heart and spirit to be the most significant role of the church.


SEASONAL SERVICE • New Year Service • Easter Service • Pentecost Service • Thanksgiving Service • Christmas Service


兒童主日學 Sunday Kids School

「我們不將這些事向他們的子孫隱瞞,要將耶和華的美德和他的能力,並他奇妙的作為,述說給後代聽。使將要生的後代子孫可以曉得;他們也要起來告訴他們的子孫,好叫他們仰望神,不忘記神的作為,惟要守他的命令。」- 詩篇七十八4、6-7 “We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. So the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.” -Psalm 78:4, 6-7

主耶穌說:「讓小孩子到我這裡來,不要禁止他們;因為在天國的,正是這樣的人。」- 馬太福音十九14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14


通過主日學,青年一代可以在早期的人生中經歷、反思,學習信仰。兒童的崇拜是為了讓年幼的孩童了解神的愛和聖經的真理;他們可以在教會中從聖經中體驗和繼承寶貴的傳統。 有趣和愉快的活動將有助於你的孩子開始他或她的充滿回憶的早年生活。Through the Sunday school program, the youth can be introduced to spiritual practice early in their lives. The Kids service is held for young children to know the love of God and the truth of the Bible; they can experience and practice precious traditions from the Bible starting from within the church. Fun and enjoyable activities will help your child start his or her early life memorably.

    The Sunday school teacher will guide the kids to worship God together through song and dance. Bible song and worship dance, with a music story, will prepare the kids with a joyful heart for service.
    The teacher will share a short message about one or two Bible verses, guide the kids in understanding the meaning and memorizing the verse of the week. The Bible story can be told through acting or a movie to engage kids in the Bible step by step.
  • 禱告 PRAYER
    After the sermon, the teacher will lead the kids in praying together, to pray for each other and their families. From the Lord’s prayer, to freely sharing prayer topics, the kids will experience the way to communicate with God, and to know the love and blessing of God.
    The teacher will share snacks and toys with the kids in teaching the kids to build beautiful relationships through sharing in God’s love.
    If parents wish for their kids to participate in offering, they should prepare tithe or other offering for their kids to bring to Sunday school. The offering will be used for Church and for the Sunday school program.
  • 父母 PARENTS
    All parents are welcome to join the Sunday school service with their kids. Parents of children who are under 3 years old are highly encouraged to participate. Please cooporate with Sunday school teacher in guiding the children to participate in all the service activities. Your example presents the best lesson for your children.



青少年事工的願景是將耶穌基督永遠的希望帶給這座城市的青少年。 儘管在青少年面對眾多遠離神的道路的社會中,這一代人在主的眼中擁有巨大的潛力。 一旦青少年經歷耶穌基督的救恩,他們就會成為最黑暗地方的一盞明燈,為教會帶來復興。The vision that Teen Ministry maintains is to bring the everlasting hope of Jesus Christ to teenagers in this city. Though in a society where teenagers are exposed to numerous paths that lead them away from God, this generation has great potential in the eyes of the Lord. Once teens experience the salvation of Jesus Christ, teenagers will be a bright light in the darkest places and bring revival to the Church.

事工致力於透過提供機會讓年輕人成長為耶穌基督的門徒,為他們提供靈性所需的關懷。 透過為青少年提供所需的資源,他們將成為學校和社區的強大領導者。 此外,事工的重點是培養靈性導師,支持當地青少年跟隨耶穌基督並參與神的國度。This ministry is dedicated to offer youth the care their spirit needs through offering opportunities that allow them to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Through providing teenagers with the resources they need, they will become powerful leaders in their schools and in their community. Additionally, this ministry focuses on raising spiritual mentors that will support local teenagers in following Jesus Christ and participating in the Kingdom of God.



What we pray is the relationship with God. The prayer is the breath just like people who breathe. It’s the breath of believer.If the breath stops, the life is over. Just as the breath never stops, we should live as we always pray with faith and as we form the relationship with God well.

THEN, HOW CAN WE PRAY? (Matthew 6:9-13)

09 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


It’s Father. Where is the Father? He is in heaven. Our prayer is towards Father, God in heaven.

There are five prayers. The two previous prayers are public, and the three prayers of the latter part are personal. When we pray, in order that our prayer goes to God, there is something we should ask before God, which is the public prayer; Hallowed be thy name and Thy kingdom come. May the name of God is hallowed by the one who believes in Jesus. And we should pray with earnest heart for Thy kingdom to come. The fundamental and essential topics were prayed so that our prayer may not become self-centered and egoistic. Next, one of the personal prayer of three things is regarding daily bread. This is the matter of today. Second is about the forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness is the issue of the past. This is the repentance for sins yesterday. Thirdly, lead us not into temptation. This is the issue of the future. We should pray not to be tempted. Even if the test comes, we should pray for letting us overcome it.


外展/福音事工部看重「將福音傳到地極」的大使命。正如主耶穌所說:「你們往普天下去,傳福音給萬民聽。」﹝馬可福音十六15﹞,所有的信徒都要遵行這大使命,就是主耶穌結束地上的工作、離開時所吩咐門徒的。Outreach & Evangelism ministry has the foundational commission for the Great Commission. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) All the believers are asked to follow what Jesus commanded at the end of his ministry on earth.


所以,外展和福音工作,是所有教會分堂和傳道會的首要工作。我們鼓舞兄姊或有興趣人士一同參與,去傳揚這好消息。Outreach activities and evangelism programs are the priorities of all branch churches and fellowships. The ministry encourages people in us by opening outreach programs, strategy seminars and evangelism tools.


我們正與亞太地區不同地區的許多教會建立合作夥伴關係。相互合作大致體現在:通過直接支持教會的差傳植堂﹝開荒﹞,或間接以共享資源、活動,教育材料,以及傳牧方向等兩方面。We are in the partnership with many churches in different locations in Asia Pacific. The collaboration was formed by supporting the church planting in the initial stage or the sharing of resources, events, educational materials and pastoral guidance, etc.


此外,不同教會的傳道、牧師和信徒,都能夠在主基督裡享有更深和更廣的情誼,以至彼此超越地域的限制得著更大的看見和益處;同時,合作夥伴關係和網絡使得每個教會一同事奉,並在不同情況下相互補足,這也大大增加了各個本地教會的力量。Pastors and congregants in the related churches enjoy the resourceful fellowship in the Lord in order to stay open for the greater perspective and opportunity beyond the physical boundary of the local area. The local church partnership and network greatly increase the strength of the individual church when it mutually serves and fills the needs in diverse situations.



We continually endeavor to solidify the churches in many locations in the cities to reach out everybody to know the name of Jesus Christ our savior.



“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)