Be Part of Immanuel

以馬內利教會竭力成為一個以「成全聖徒,建立身體」為牧養導向的群體。透過我們日常的生活、侍奉、言行來彰顯神的榮耀。作為神的兒女,我們每個人都蒙神賜予許多恩賜、天賦和能力,使得你我可以在生活中榮耀神。Immanuel Church is dedicated to revealing God’s glory in every avenue of our lives. As children of God, we have been endowed with many gifts, talents, and abilities that we can use to honor God.


我們在基督裏都是一體的,也都有各自獨特的恩賜與興趣,為此我們建立了不同的事工來侍奉不同的人群,藉著彼此關懷、代禱,發掘並應用自己的恩賜來互相服侍,從而彰顯基督的愛,並達致以生活見證福音。同時,也讓每個信徒都有機會在神的國度中被神寶貴的使用,成全神的善良、純全、可悅喜的旨意。We features several established as well as blossoming ministries and groups for every kind of gift and every type of person. Although we are one body in Christ, we have unique and diverse skills that we are called to invest into the Kingdom of God.


我們誠懇地邀請你參加適合自己的小組,並且會寶貴地看待你對不同事工的期待與建議。進而發展現有的事工,也開展新的事工,以便回應更多人的需要!若需要進一步消息請與教會同工聯絡。We are always open to opening up more groups upon suggestion!

Immanuel DNA

Immanuel DNA

Family & Children Enrichment Project(家庭及兒童增進計劃)

家庭是每個孩子誕生後最早接觸的環境。它架起了每個生命從自然誕生到能夠單獨地站立在神面前的存在之作用。我們深知家庭的重要性,願意幫助每個家庭在真理上建造起來,並在他們生活的各個層面上蒙神所喜悅。Family forms the first environment for the children born on earth. It bridges everyone from the natural birth to the existence standing individually before God. We are deeply aware of the importance of serving the families established on truth and nourishing them to be graceful in all aspects of life.


為了維護健康的家庭,我們會透過舉辦不同的研討會和活動來傳遞合符聖經的婚姻家庭觀。The biblical virtue in terms of family is constantly taught and delivered through the seminars and meetings to uphold the families healthy.



TRUE Praise Project



真正的讚美(True praise)叫神喜悅,TRUE Praise Project致力於以音樂來讚美神、榮耀祂,並尊崇、敬拜祂。True praise pleases God more than offering an ox. TRUE Praise Project is dedicated to performing music that praises God, gives glory to His holy name, and worships Him with honor.


TRUE Praise是一個可以和其他與你一樣,帶著神的國度的夢想和盼望的音樂敬拜者一起聚集的地方。TRUE Praise is a place where you can meet other musicians and worshippers who are in similar situations as you, with the same dreams and hopes of the kingdom of God. 


我們正朝著這個目標努力:恢復我們與神的相交,並成就神在每個基督徒生命中的旨意:藉著敬拜來安慰神的百姓、將好消息帶給需要福音的迷失的靈魂,以及在音樂侍奉中得著個人的生命成長,並與擁有相同熱情、夢想和信仰的本地和世界的音樂人建立支持網絡。We work towards a goal of recovering our fellowship with God, uniquely fulfilling the will of God in each Christian’s life in comforting God’s people through worship, bringing the good news to lost souls who need the gospel, gaining unique personal growth in life as serving in a musical ministry, and forming a supporting network with local and global musicians who share the same passion, dream and faith.


如果你有音樂恩賜並有讚美主的心志,我們隨時歡迎你加入TRUE Praise音樂團隊,並向你分享我們音樂團隊的願景。You are always welcome to join TRUE Praise team if you have musical talents with heart of praising the Lord. We would like to to share the vision of our music team with you.

TEEN for Jesus Project: Awakening Young Passion For Jesus(喚醒青年世代對耶穌的熱情)

青少年事工的願景是將耶穌基督永遠的希望帶給這座城市的青少年。 儘管在青少年面對眾多遠離神的道路的社會中,這一代人在主的眼中擁有巨大的潛力。 一旦青少年經歷耶穌基督的救恩,他們就會成為最黑暗地方的一盞明燈,為教會帶來復興。The vision that Teen Ministry maintains is to bring the everlasting hope of Jesus Christ to teenagers in this city. Though in a society where teenagers are exposed to numerous paths that lead them away from God, this generation has great potential in the eyes of the Lord. Once teens experience the salvation of Jesus Christ, teenagers will be a bright light in the darkest places and bring revival to the Church.


事工致力於透過提供機會讓年輕人成長為耶穌基督的門徒,為他們提供靈性所需的關懷。 透過為青少年提供所需的資源,他們將成為學校和社區的強大領導者。 此外,事工的重點是培養靈性導師,支持當地青少年跟隨耶穌基督並參與神的國度。This ministry is dedicated to offer youth the care their spirit needs through offering opportunities that allow them to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Through providing teenagers with the resources they need, they will become powerful leaders in their schools and in their community. Additionally, this ministry focuses on raising spiritual mentors that will support local teenagers in following Jesus Christ and participating in the Kingdom of God.

影音媒體 MEDIA

Spreading the good news of Jesus is not only limited to directly preaching or teaching the Bible. God has given us many tools to deliver the news of mission and Bible understanding through modern networking methods.

Through communicating the word, we can be mutually strengthened and edified within the body of Christ.


The love of the Gospel is expressed through many diverse forms of service. Immanuel members and families have various opportunities to practice their love and see the gospel of Jesus revealed in their church. We thank the Lord that the church is built up by those who volunteer to serve in many areas.

If you would like to join an area of serving, please mark what you feel you are called to with the gifts God has granted.

  • KIDS
  • ETC

Volunteer Initiative


Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
– 1 Corinthians 12:27